Captain Beaman was a pilot flying with 365th Fighter Group, 388th Fighter Squadron USAAF, during the Second World War.
He’s pictured sat in the cockpit of a P-47D, with the original image (below) giving a location of RAF Beaulieu, in the New Forest, and a date of May 1944.
A few weeks later, on the 18th of July 1944, it is said that Captain Beaman shot down two enemy Messerschmitt Bf 109s, one of which was on the tail of a P-51D, before being shot down himself. He was able to bail out of his aircraft, near Flers, France, and evade capture. Beaman was reunited with his squadron within few weeks of the incident1.

The original image (above) was sourced from the American Air Museum collection.
Michael Beaman December 25, 2024
That’s my grandpa!
N. Beaman December 25, 2024
This was my husband’s father.
tournier alain January 14, 2025
J’ai retrouvé un article du 21/07/2005 du journal de l’Orne, relatif à l’inauguration d’une plaque commémorative ou figure une photo de ma tante, Mme Dame Simone, dévoilant la stèle. Elle l’avait adressé à mon père, son frère, Mr Tournier Marcel, alors âgé de 18 ans, qui avait découvert le pilote survivant du crash de son avion le 18/07/1944. Il m’avait conté brièvement cet événement alors que j’étais enfant mais il y a si longtemps … Aussi, si d’aventure il existe quelque part quelque mémoire écrite par le pilote de sa rencontre et découverte avec mon père, cela me permettrait de redécouvrir objectivement ce pan de mon histoire familiale sans le prisme déformant de la mémoire parcellaire de celle d’un enfant. Merci d’avance. Bien cordialement.